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Monday 27 February 2012

2 paragraphs in the book of a life like this

According to Plato, most people seek to transcend to eternity by taking the usual route of finding a mate and creating a new family, achieving the only immortality they will know through a continuation of the human race. For others, the beauty they are able to perceive in the human body in all its subtleties becomes the inspiration for a life-long search for beauty in all its forms - the usage of words, pictures, music, ideals. The body is not merely a physical object but a symbol, a representation, a reflection of memory and meaning...
Me, I just have the ability to see beyond the matrix. And it makes me feel so alone.

The bodies were at rest. I’m blinded by his paleness of skin, the saturated shine of his soft coppery curls, the delicacy of his baby scent. I cannot place him in this era, an imaginary object in space, a treasure found deep in snowy mountains of the ice age. I am a biologist and he’s a different species to me. The fact that nature somehow arranged for him to be completely “naked” doesn’t cease to baffle. Yet it’s here all alive and loving Jimi Hendrix and cheesy classics, rapidly consuming protein and anything that could make it if briefly forget his involuntary nakedness. Little chords with hard rock ears tingle my belly. “tu tu tah tah tah tu tah” he is reciting a wee tune to himself and I’m gently taken to vague Muppet Show memories when he suddenly turns his icy blue gaze to catch me off-guard with the boyish smile that I wasn’t quick enough to erase. Bastard.
All the things that he was getting to know. And soon wish he could forget. He pulled me closer and mixed his lips with mine before I could think of anything to say. My charming disease.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I really enjoyed this piece as well. I have often found it odd that so many seek solace in another instead of inside the self and that being paired is the ultimate goal in life. Often, pairings fail due to the lack of completion from each half. There also seems to be more people that go the route of pairing before the self is fulfilled and people (especially women) that want to do something greater in life first or always are shunned in society or considered selfish.

    1. Thank you. I think this is a very complex subject. It would be impossible for most people to feel "fulfilled" by themselves. Some sort of interaction is required by the body, it is a biological process we don't have full control over, and I'm not talking just about sex although that is a substantial part. However, the way people form "couples" in most of Western society is quite peculiar and somewhat dishonest to me. It possibly derives from the fact they seek the identities they haven't been able to establish by themselves. This is related to "Panopticism" in many ways, there is a very interesting article by a girl named Laura Kipnis titled Against Love I believe that would probably be of interest to you.
